Peasant Organizations Call for Protest on September 14

AIKSCC Condemns Attempts by RSS-BJP Govt. to Suppress Haryana Farmers and Block Protests Using Corona Epidemic Excuse – Nationwide Farmers Protest on 14th September

The Modi Govt. is using Corona as an excuse to repress farmers protests against its Anti-Farmer, Pro-Corporate Agenda, which has till now manifested itself in the form of 3 Ordinances and Electricity Amendment Bill: AIKSCC

Working Group of AIKSCC launched a national farmers uprising against 3 Ordinances, Electricity Amendment Bill and exploitative hike in Diesel-Petrol Prices on August 9, this year. After an urgent consultation across the country with constituent organizations over the repression unleashed by Khattar Govt of Haryana at the behest of the Modi Govt, AIKSCC warned the Govt. to withdraw the 3 Ordinances and other anti farmer measures or face a nation wide protest and mass resistance. The BJP govt blocked the Haryana farmers in Pipli, Kurukshetra and 7 centres, house arrested and warned leaders, but the anger of the farmers cannot be contained by these acts of brutal suppression. 

AIKSCC shall lead a protest by its leaders in Delhi on Sept 14, while millions farmers shall gherao Govt. offices in Districts and Subdivisional HQs on 14th September. Farmers of the country strongly disagree with the RSS vision of cheating the farmers to help the foreign exploiters, crying ‘atmanirbharta’ and inviting MNCs and Indian Corporate to loot the farmers.

The 3 Ordinances issued are due to be converted into law in this Parliament session. The one on Essential Commodities removes all cereals, pulses, oilseeds, potato and onion from trade restrictions and price control. The second on Mandi Samitis allows unrestricted purchase of crop by Companies, Contractors & Money lenders directly from farmers. The third binds farmers to the Corporate through Contracts, forcing the farmer to buy costly inputs and to pledge crops to the company, without Govt. security against cheating and manipulation. Corporates will buy from farmer at cheap rates and sell dear to consumers. The Ordinances are designed to save the crisis ridden big corporates and help them to squeeze profits from the ‘only’ sector, which Modi govt says has had a shown 3.4% growth during first quarter, 20-21.

Modi govt’s Power Bill will raise electricity tariff across the board to above Rs 10 per unit, enforce pre paid metres to cheat all consumers including farmers, domestic and BJL consumers.

Modi govt has raised diesel and petrol prices by increasing central excise duty by Rs 28 and 24 per litre in 6 years. Total tax now is Rs 52 per litre, while crude prices have fallen from $ 106 to $ 40.

Meanwhile AIKSCC has written to all MPs and parties to get these anti-farmer and pro-Corporate measures withdrawn. 

Media Cell | AIKSCC 

September 12, 2020