3rd July, 2013 Protest demonstration at Mohaniya (Bihar) SDO office [scribd id=158200776 key=key-23cfdlh13z59z31oo0xf mode=scroll ]
Month: July 2013
Prajapandha 15th July, 2013
[scribd-doc doc=”154899564″ key=”1ke7vin6diwjnxuo89fu”]
Uttarakhand: Manmade tragedy, Govt. apathy and Call for help
The loss of human life and properties in the Uttarakhand flood/landslide disaster after heavy downpour for 3 days since June 16 is amongst the worst in its history. Call it heavy downpour or cloud burst, the cause of damage was manmade. It has resulted from uncontrolled human interference with nature’s […]