CPI-ML New Democracy

CPI (M-L) CPI-ML New Democracy Press Release

Press Statemen On Successful Conclusion of All India Party Congress of CPI (ML)-New Democracy.

CPI (ML)-New Democracy announces successful conclusion of its All India Party Congress (2024) held at Com. Chandra Pulla Reddy Nagar. Proceedings of the Congress were conducted in Com. Rayala Subhash Chandra Bose (Ravanna) Hall. Delegates elected at the State Conferences participated in the Congress. Congress proceedings were marked by informed […]

CPI-ML New Democracy

Lift UAPA Against Youth Who Raised Slogans in Parliament; Release them Immediately

Framing of charges under UAPA against youth who raised slogans and discharged harmless smoke inside and outside Parliament on December 13 to highlight certain people’s issues must be thoroughly condemned by all progressive and democratic forces. They should demand withdrawal of UAPA cases against them and stand against their prosecution […]

CPI-ML New Democracy

No Ground Offensive; Lift Siege of Gaza Implement UN Resolutions on Palestine ( Article in New Democracy 2023)

War in Palestine is grinding on. Killing fields have replaced ‘silent’ slaughtering. Frontal challenge has replaced behind the back conspiracies. Israel has launched bombing raids on exclave Gaza killing over 1900, a good number of them children and elderly. This is in retaliation to Hamas raid in Southern Israel on […]

CPI (M-L) CPI-ML New Democracy

Today is the 56th Anniversary of The Great Naxalbari Uprising. We Are Reproducing an Article Written on The Occasion of The 50th Anniversary

Fifty Years of Spring Thunder over India The Communist movement in the country reached a turning point half a century ago when the Naxalbari peasant uprising burst forth on the political scene of the country. After Great Telangana People’s Armed Struggle, Naxalbari once again brought on the agenda the Armed […]

CPI-ML New Democracy Protests

Protest Against Bulldozer Raj and Implication of Activists; Unitedly Rise Against Onslaught of Fascist Rulers

As was widely expected after assembly elections in February March 2022, ruling RSS-BJP has intensified its fascist campaign to crush all dissent under the boots of security forces. RSS-BJP has made the most populous province of Uttar Pradesh an advanced laboratory of their Hindutva fascism. Their campaign has been widened […]