CPI-ML New Democracy

CPI-ML New Democracy

On Twelfth Death Anniversary of Com. Pyla Vasudev Rao: Vigorous Efforts to Develop Struggles for New Democratic Revolution is the Homage to Revolutionary memory of Com. Pyla Vasudev Rao

Twelve years back, on April 11, 2010 communist revolutionary movement of the country and CPI(ML)-New Democracy lost a stalwart, Com. Pyla Vasudev Rao. A leader of the Srikakulam Girijan Armed Upsrising, Com. Pyla Vasudev Rao put everything to revive Srikakulam movement on the basis of revolutionary mass line after setback […]

CPI-ML New Democracy New Democracy World

Sri Lanka: Lions Roar as “Things Fall Apart”

People’s Upsurge Against Neoliberal, Majoritarian Rajapakses’ Authoritarianism Economic crisis leading to disruption of people’s lives and collapse of their livelihood has resulted in a political crisis in our Southern neighbour, Sri Lanka. Everything is going wrong for the people and they are rising against the ruling family, Rajapakses, who monopolize […]

Red Salute to Com. Ravi!
CPI-ML New Democracy

Red Salute to Com. Ravi!

Six years ago on March 9, 2016 Com. Rayala Subhash Chandra Bose (Ravi) breathed his last. He was Member of the Central Committee and Secretary of its Telengana State Committee of CPI(ML)-New Democracy. On this day CC calls upon all party ranks to carry forward revolutionary movement for which he […]

CPI (M-L) CPI-ML New Democracy Democratic Rights Featured Human Rights Imperialism Politics Uncategorized World

Oppose Russian Aggression against Ukraine! Down with Imperialist Military Alliances including NATO!

CPI(ML)-ND Statement Oppose Russian Aggression against Ukraine! Down with Imperialist Military Alliances including NATO! Since US withdrawal from Afghanistan in defeat, contradictions among imperialist powers have intensified and Ukraine has become latest victim. It is the second attempt by imperialist powers since Second World War to shape the global order […]

Afghanistan CPI-ML New Democracy Uncategorized

Defeat of US Imperialism in Afghanistan and its implications

Defeat of US imperialism in Afghanistan marks a turning point in the international situation which have wide repercussions on the region and the world influencing all the major contradictions of the imperialist system. Inter-imperialist contradictions will obviously be sharpened further while the other contradictions like that between imperialism and oppressed […]

Afghanistan CPI-ML New Democracy Imperialism Politics Uncategorized

Taliban Sweeps to Power in Afghanistan

War in Afghanistan is over. Taliban wrested back the power from withdrawing Americans. Their fleeing from Afghanistan has similarities galore and these are not limited to withdrawing Americans boarding helicopters this time from Airport roof in place of Embassy roof in Saigon. But more pertinent similarity and which is important […]