CPI-ML New Democracy

Homage to Com. Madhu, CEC Member of CPI(ML) & Editor of its Central Organ Class Struggle

Central Committee of CPI(ML)-New Democracy expresses its deep sorrow at the death of Comrade Madhu, Member of the Central Executive Committee of CPI(ML) (Central Organ : Class Struggle) and Editor of its Central Organ. Com. Madhu died today (April 16) at 4.30 A.M. He was 78 years old.

Com. Madhu had started his revolutionary life as an activist of student organization during united communist period. In 1973 he was made a member of Andhra Pradesh state committee of Andhra Pradesh Communist Committee (Revolutionaries). He had been a central committee member of UCCRI(ML) from 1976 onwards. From then he worked continuously as CC member of that organization and organizations that emerged out of unity of that organization and its CC secretary at different periods.

He continued to work for the revolutionary movement till his very last. His was indeed a long journey in the revolutionary movement from 15 years of age till his death at 78 years. He was very keen for the unity of communist revolutionaries and always played an active role in that process.

The death of Com. Madhu is a great loss to CPI(ML) and to the communist revolutionary movement as a whole.

CPI(ML)-New Democracy pays its homage to the departed communist revolutionary leader Com. Madhu. We express our condolences to his wife, his daughter and to his colleagues of CPI(ML) (Central Organ : Class Struggle). Communist revolutionary organizations will continue the process of building revolutionary movement to realize the dreams for which Com. Madhu had worked throughout his entire life.

Red Salute to Com. Madhu!

Central Committee,

CPI(ML)-New Democracy

April 16, 2021