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New Democracy
New Democracy, May 2017
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New Democracy, April 2017
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Fifty Years of Spring Thunder over India
Communist movement in the country reached a turning point half a century ago when the Naxalbari peasant uprising burst forth on the political scene of the country. After Great Telengana People’s Armed Struggle, Naxalbari once again brought on the agenda the Armed Agrarian Revolution for the liberation of the people […]
New Democracy March 2017
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New Democracy, January 2017
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New Democracy, December 2016
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Of Shifting Sands and Pursuing Mirages From ‘Surgical strike on black money’ to ‘Going cashless’
SK Mohan ‘Oh, what a tangled web we weave…when first we practice to deceive.’ – Walter Scott, Marmion After sounding the bugle for ‘War on black money’ on the night of 8th November, the Generals appear to have changed the tack, hardly three weeks into it. Prime Minister’s ‘Mann ki […]
New Democracy, October 2016
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New Democracy, August 2016
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